The Peak Body. Neighbourhood Houses Victoria (NHVic) is the Peak Body which works at the State level, representing over 400 Houses /Centres and the Networks, across the State of Victoria. It is managed by an elected Board, comprising House & Centre Managers, House Committee of Governance Members and Networkers.
NHVic plays five important roles by:
Representing the sector and community views to Federal, State and Local Government departments, relevant statutory and regulatory bodies and other community organisations.
Providing support to Houses and Networks for service delivery and development, including advice on relevant government policy and programs
Promoting the development of sector linkages
Co-coordinating and responding to issues raised by the various Neighbourhood House Networks which exist at the community and municipal levels
Providing training relevant to Neighbourhood Houses/ Centres and Networks
Neighbourhood House Networks Neighbourhood House Networks link Houses and local communities to other Houses and communities at a regional level, to Neighbourhood Houses Victoria (NHVic) and to Local and State Governments. The Networks provide management/operational support, resources and assistance to Committees of Governance. Neighbourhood House Networks also play a strategic consultative role. As a result of their extensive knowledge of Houses in their Regions, the Networks are able to come together with NHVic to work collaboratively on developmental strategies for the whole Sector. Networks are also able to draw on opportunities and local information by connecting with Local Government, the Department of Health and Human Services local area Staff and the Department of Education and Training. Networks draw their Membership from the Neighbourhood House Coordination Program-funded houses in their Regional boundary. Networks are community managed organisations governed by an elected committee of Governance consisting of representatives of their Member organisations. Neighbourhood House Networks are the central link within the Neighbourhood House Sector’s structure. Their practice is underpinned by the sector principles, is facilitative, developmental and relies on strong inclusive relationships with it's Member Houses and with the wider local and Regional communities. Neighbourhood House Networks facilitate: • individual support and resourcing to the membership • early identification and support of Neighbourhood Houses experiencing difficulty • regional collaboration on issues, needs and projects among the Membership • representation and advocacy on Regional issues and needs to Neighbourhood Houses Victoria and Local and State Governments. The range and priority of services undertaken by the Network is directed by the Membership and includes: • service and program planning and development • community development practice • governance and management • resources and training • community education.
Neighbourhood Houses Neighbourhood Houses bring people together to connect, learn and contribute in their local community through social, educational, recreational and support activities, using a unique community development approach. All Houses are not-for-profit organisations where available funds are combined with strong volunteer input, to ensure maximum benefit to each diverse community. Each House or Centre is a legal entity in its own right, or auspiced by a legal entity and has a formal (and, in some cases, financial) membership base.
Neighbourhood Houses welcome people from all walks of life. This inclusive approach creates opportunities for individuals and groups to enrich their lives through connections they might not otherwise make. Most Neighbourhood Houses offer opportunities to participate, learn, volunteer and get to know your community. Activities are generally run at low or no cost to participants. Among the most common are: